Get to Know Our Speakers Ahead of the Showcase

We’re kicking off our YouTube Shorts series in the next couple of weeks to let you know a bit more about our phenomenal women leaders who will be part of the Speaker Showcase in partnership with Cineplex. It’s taking place on September 12th and we are working hard to put together an engaging package that shows the benefits of hiring a speaker from FKB Media.

The first speaker to launch the bureau (before it was officially a bureau) was civic leader Mitzie Hunter. She was transitioning from politics to private life and needed assistance with speaking requests. You can read more about how we connected in last month’s blog. She gave me the nudge and inspiration to expand my business into this area. Some other early believers: Dr. Natasha Williams - a Clinical Psychologist and international mental health expert who focuses on topics such as Radical Self-Care, Superwoman Syndrome and the Archetype of the Strong Black Woman; Maggie John - journalist and host, who did an amazing job hosting the RBC Black Diamond Ball in February and was the moderator for one of the Toronto mayoral debates. ; Psychotherapist Roxanne Francis joined FKB Media as one of our Find An Experts and became a regular on morning television and radio. She put all her appearances on social media and that’s led to her becoming a sought-after speaker. It was a natural transition for her to be a part of Find A Speaker; Same story for Culinary Nutritionist Trudy Stone - one of our first experts who then became a regular guest contributor on CityLine . She specializes in Stress Management, Cultivating Healthy Eating Habits and Increasing Energy and Productivity. Rochelle Ramathe is a dynamic motivational speaker, author and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion certified expert. She is a global speaker who has presented in South Korea, South Africa, Jamaica, the USA and across Canada. Rochelle is a powerhouse not to be missed.; I’m going to round off this blog with the joyful Marguerite Orane , just her smile alone will inspire you. She speaks about Finding Purpose in Life and Work, Creating Joyful Workplaces and Leading With Joy. You can get a taste of her positive-minded presentation in her speaker reel. I’ll be giving a preview of the rest of the Diverse Women Leaders in my next blog. For now, I hope this gives you a taste of what’s to come.

I encourage bookers, HR professionals, event planners, conference planners and anyone in search of vibrant solid speakers to check out our Find A Speaker page (which also has our male speakers) and to sign-up for the Speaker Showcase on September 12th.