Livestreaming Miami Carnival To The World!
What a weekend! We livestreamed a total of 16 hours of Miami Carnival events to the world and broadcast to 15 Caribbean countries! #FRPTV is the same company I worked with in June to produce the livestream for the 116th Latin Street Festival in NYC. WorldCast Live provided the app and platform for the streaming. Hosts @realdlife @latoyaforever & @realjayblessed killed it with coverage of Panorama, King & Queen, J'ouvert, the Masquerade parade and the big soca concert that included interviews with the artists and mas band leaders. Our strong team of techs put up temporary controlrooms, cameras and wired three different locations to make this happen in a matter of hours on 3 different days. It was round the clock work, but it's the kind of work that gets your juices going when it's something you love doing. Along with my producing partner Clinton Hosannah we pulled it off!
#miamicarnival #livetv #producer